7 Clear Signs that it’s Time to Move to the Cloud with NetSuite
Legacy systems bog you down, keep you tethered to aging software, and prevent you from realizing the many benefits of cloud computing. Try as you might to patch those “holes” by adding newer, modern applications on top of your technology infrastructure, running on disparate systems that don’t “talk” to one another is a challenge in and of itself.
The hidden costs of legacy systems maintenance can be astronomical. Most of them can’t integrate with outside applications, so companies waste a lot of time, money and resources finding coherence within their disjointed technology investments.
And in an era where labor is scarce and automation is a core goal, the endless saga of transferring data from one system to the next can cost your company its competitive edge—not to mention its profitability.
NetSuite Automation to the Rescue
For help managing their growing operations, more companies are turning to cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms like Oracle NetSuite.
With its long list of capabilities, customisable dashboards, real-time access to data and robust reporting features, the ERP helps companies of all types and sizes improve their efficiencies. NetSuite comes with two predictable upgrades per year (that take place in the background and with no disruption) and is available in the cloud 24/7/365 for your remote teams.
Here are seven clear signs that it’s time to work with Sansa Solutions to move off of your aging on-premises business systems and into the cloud with NetSuite:
1. It’s taking too long to close your books.
Returning the balance of your temporary accounts back to zero at the end of the month, quarter and/or year can be an arduous process for companies that rely on legacy systems, disparate applications and spreadsheets. Without a system that can simplify the process and provide the much-needed accuracy for this exercise, you may spend additional days or even weeks closing the books.
2. You can’t produce reports or access meaningful information quickly.
When data is being stored in different systems, on different hard drives or on a myriad of spreadsheets, pulling any type of reports together takes time and effort. When all of your data is stored in a single ERP and available in the cloud, this stress point is eliminated. In its place, you’ll have all of the data and reporting you could ever need right at your fingertips.
3. By the time you do have the data you need, it’s too late to do anything about it.
If the global pandemic and subsequent supply chain challenges taught organizations anything, it’s that companies that “know their data” have a competitive edge against those that don’t. If your data is dispersed across spreadsheets, systems and other storage modes, you’ll never be able to make good decisions or act on it in a timely manner. By the time you do get your hands on the data it’ll be too late to do anything about it.
4. You’ve lost trust in your system and processes.
When employees know that the data sources and processes they’re working with are unreliable and outdated, they’ll come up with workarounds to get the job done. For example, they’ll create their own reports, spreadsheets or siloed, multiple versions of the truth. Oracle NetSuite eliminates this need for siloed information by enabling a real-time, actionable information and a single version of the truth.
5. Managing your multiple entities is difficult at best.
As your company grows, it needs robust technology systems that can manage that expansion across multiple new entities. Your on-premises system can’t manage this, or it would require that you license and install a new version for every new location. And because the software isn’t available in the cloud, you still have to shuttle data across those systems in order to get an accurate picture of your entire operations. The situation becomes even more complex for international companies that have to deal with compliance and regulations outside of their home countries. Fortunately, Oracle NetSuite handles multi-country, multi-currency and multi-location management with ease.
6. Your enterprise software upgrades are getting more expensive and disruptive.
All across the business landscape there are companies running on older versions of their on-premises ERPs simply because they don’t want to go through the pains of upgrading to the new version. Those fears may be justified, but they also keep organizations from tapping into the benefits of newer, modern capabilities (that is, if the software vendor is offering these perks). On-premises, legacy solutions may also require extensive customizations which, in turn, even further run up the company’s IT bill. Oracle NetSuite pushes out two upgrades annually, making the process more of an “evolution” versus a “revolution.” This is not only more efficient and cost-effective, but it also creates minimal disruption, if any.
7. Your company is stuck with on premise hardware and the associated costs of ownership.
As cloud adoption has escalated, more midsized companies have realized the value of not having to invest in and maintain their own server infrastructure. Because it was born in the cloud, Oracle NetSuite helps companies do more with less. Companies can focus on managing business operations and performance rather than running their IT systems.
By providing a unified software environment that’s completely scalable, plus a long list of add-on capabilities (i.e., customer relationship management, e-commerce, manufacturing, etc.), Oracle NetSuite helps you operate more agilely, effectively and efficiently in any business environment. You’ll be able to respond to change, adapt to new business conditions and better serve your growing customer base, all from a single system.